Smart-Lights (Controls for OS X Menu Bar)

1765312857 ⋅ at 2019-03-09 11:06:21 ⋅ Last Reply by 6716590342 at 2024-04-19 15:01:15 ⋅ 14923 Reads

1. Name

Smart Lights (Controls for OS X Menu Bar)

2. Version


3. Download

OS X Mojave:

4. Function Brief

Smart Lights is a tool to control your yeelight bulbs quickly from the OS X menu bar. The user interface is kept simple and clean to integrate seamlessly into the general OS appereance.

5. Detailed description (Image & Text)

To be able to use this tool, you need to set your Yeelight device in LAN-Control mode at first. This enables the device control through your local network. Vice Versa the client needs to be in the same network. Use the Yeelight App on your smartphone to activate this option.

After the first app start you need to select the device to control through the settings icon :fa-cog: in the top right corner. Your option will be safed and directly selected on the next app start.

The tool is in an early state. If some functionality is missing or bugs are found, please let me know about them in the comments. Ideas for further improvement are also welcome.

Keep in mind, that I've tested this tool only with a RGB Yeelight Bulb. Unfortunately I don't have access or ressources to more devices.

6. Open source (github address)

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This post is by Scott in 4 years ago add to digest
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