Strategy to play Cookie Clicker

6680488406 ⋅ at 2023-09-14 12:22:03 ⋅ Last Reply by Lauralopez at 2024-05-02 01:08:33 ⋅ 408 Reads

Practice working in the cookie clicker factory to create delicious cookies. You will have the opportunity to own many smart devices and idle production.
Make use of it and work hard. Click on a cookie to produce billions of other cookies for your store. Then you need a smart strategy to invest in the idle production tools that are shown on the right side of the screen.

When you have enough cakes, items will be available for you to choose from candy clicker.

Reach a predetermined threshold for cookies produced, own a predetermined number of a particular sort of buildings, or click on a predetermined threshold for golden cookies. Players will be able to access different colored kinds of milk that appear beneath the cookies if they've unlocked certain achievements.

Total Reply Count: 5
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  • Magnet Alice
    2024-04-03 11:10:29

    This game is quite simple but I don't think it has any Friday Night Funkin special strategy, I can only try to click as fast as possible.

  • Lauralopez
    2024-05-02 01:08:33

    Informative and resourceful sites such as this one are rare to find. Thank you very much for sharing this.

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