Trials of Osiris

HaleyReed ⋅ at 2023-11-06 22:54:27 ⋅ Last Reply by Monique Mo at 2024-03-15 14:29:41 ⋅ 332 Reads

Trials of Osiris is one of the most competitive PvP events in Destiny 2, offering players a chance to engage in high-stakes 3v3 matches with the goal of achieving a "Flawless" victory — winning seven games without a single loss. It’s held every weekend, starting from Friday to the weekly reset on Tuesday. This PvP mode is renowned for its intense difficulty, requiring not only individual skill but also seamless team coordination and strategy.
The rewards for succeeding in Trials are among the most coveted in Destiny 2, including unique adept weapons, armor, and cosmetics that signify a player's prowess. Achieving a Flawless run grants access to the Lighthouse, a special location with even more exclusive rewards. However, the challenge can be daunting, which is why some players turn to Trials of Osiris carries to help them reach the Lighthouse and earn those prestigious rewards. Whether you're a seasoned player looking for a team or a newcomer wanting to experience Trials, professional sherpas can offer a supportive way to enjoy this pinnacle activity.

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