Designer Secrets about Custom Throw Pillows

6709702328 ⋅ at 2024-03-20 22:03:20 ⋅ Last Reply by Monique Mo at 2024-05-08 21:21:49 ⋅ 190 Reads

Throw pillows are more than just decorative elements; they're small but mighty accents that can transform the entire feel of a room. However, not all throw pillows are created equal. To truly elevate your space, it's essential to delve into the secrets of custom throw pillows. From choosing the right fabrics to perfecting their fluffiness, designers have a plethora of tricks up their sleeves to make your throw pillows stand out.

Make your pillows stand out with vintage fabrics

One of the most effective ways to add character and uniqueness to your custom throw pillows is by opting for vintage fabrics. Vintage fabrics offer a sense of history and charm that can't be replicated with modern materials. Whether it's a floral pattern from the 60’s or a bold geometric design from the 80’s, vintage fabrics bring a touch of nostalgia and personality to any space.

Moreover, using vintage fabrics for your custom body pillow allows you to embrace sustainability by giving new life to old textiles. Upcycling vintage fabrics not only reduce waste but also add elements to your décor that can't be found in mass-produced items.

Pillows should have the same fabric on both sides

While it may be tempting to mix and match fabrics for your custom throw pillows, designers often advise sticking to the same fabric on both sides. This creates a cohesive and polished look that ties the pillows together, making them appear more intentional and thoughtfully curated.

Using the same fabric on both sides also ensures versatility, as you can flip the pillows as needed to refresh your space or accommodate different color schemes. Additionally, it prevents any awkward clashes between patterns or textures, allowing the pillows to seamlessly blend into your existing décor.

Go for the plumpest look possible

When it comes to custom throw pillows, fullness is key. A plump pillow not only looks more luxurious but also provides better support and comfort. To achieve the plumpest look possible, designers recommend opting for high-quality pillow inserts that are slightly larger than the pillow cover.

Stuffing your throw pillows generously ensures that they maintain their shape and volume over time, preventing them from appearing limp or deflated. Additionally, regularly fluffing and rotating your pillows can help distribute the filling evenly, keeping them looking fresh and inviting.

Pick a larger size square for a richer look

Size matters when it comes to custom throw pillows, and opting for larger sizes can make a significant difference in the overall look and feel of your space. While standard-sized throw pillows are versatile and practical, larger square pillows (such as 22x22 inches or 24x24 inches) can add a touch of drama and sophistication to your sofa or bed.

Larger pillows create a more substantial presence, making them ideal for anchoring a seating area or adding visual interest to a neutral color scheme. Additionally, they provide ample support for lounging or napping, making them both stylish and functional additions to your home.

Select the Suitable Dimension for your Pillows

Choosing the right dimensions for custom throw pillows is crucial for aesthetic and practical reasons. Consider your furniture size and room scale when deciding. Larger sofas suit bigger pillows, while smaller chairs need smaller ones. Think about their purpose; larger ones offer more support, smaller ones are decorative. Leave space between pillows for a balanced look. Balancing proportions and functionality guides you to the perfect dimensions.


Custom throw pillows are a simple yet effective way to elevate your home décor and express your personal style. By incorporating designer secrets such as using vintage fabrics, opting for cohesive designs, prioritizing fullness, and selecting larger sizes, you can create throw pillows that not only enhance your space but also make a statement.
Whether you're looking to add a pop of color, texture, or personality to your living room, bedroom, or outdoor patio, custom throw pillows offer endless possibilities for creativity and customization. So, why settle for ordinary throw pillows when you can unleash your inner designer and create something truly extraordinary?

Total Reply Count: 3
  • Alyssa Lauren
    2024-04-13 02:59:36

    When it comes to custom throw pillows, designers understand the power of personalization and quality. From selecting the right fabric to choosing complementary patterns vintage 70s clothing and textures, attention to detail is key. Customization allows for unique expression, elevating any space with personalized comfort and style that reflects individual taste and personality.

  • Tim Frau
    2024-04-28 14:47:08

    Your active listening skills create a sense of validation and inclusivity in the forum. Solar

  • Monique Mo
    2024-05-08 21:21:49

    Interior designers know that custom throw pillows are the ultimate accessory for adding style and comfort to any space. The secret lies in choosing unique fabrics, vibrant patterns, and quality craftsmanship. The birch lane offers a variety of customizable pillows that cater to diverse aesthetics, from rustic to contemporary. The beauty of custom throw pillows is their versatility they can instantly refresh a room, add texture, and create a cohesive design theme, all while expressing your personal style.

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